Are you ready to LOVE yourself?

Thank you for visiting "The Mind Solace". We are excited to announce that our blog has launched!

Like our Instagram handle @themindsolace, and Facebook page The Mind Solace, our blog will focus on the practices of self-love, self-awareness, mindfulness hacks, meditation tips, a healthy mindset, and so much more. This blog will hopefully inspire you to keep becoming the best version of yourself. We are ready to be your company during your busy commute and lunch breaks too...Sounds good? Our next post will discuss all types of self-care! Stay up to date with our latest posts by subscribing to our newsletter!

Our workshops and private coaching is centered around "SELF LOVE," and it only made sense to use this concept for our first blog post. Recently, self-love has become very popular. But what does it look like in everyday life? And more importantly, are you prepared to invest in your relationship with yourself?

How do you define SELF LOVE? Contrary to popular belief, self-love isn't an annual or even monthly trip to the spa or massage parlor. This is not a reward or a treat, but a regular choice. It is a decision you make every day when you awaken. It sounds like this: "Today, I will listen to my body and choose healthy options over easy ones". Listening to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs is part of self-love. Who will if you don't?

Everyone defines self-love differently. Every person is a warrior. We win battles each day that people around us know nothing about. Self-love means being proud, and patting yourself on the back for all the battles won, big or small.

A big part of being human is that we all make mistakes. That’s how we learn to navigate through this beautiful thing called LIFE. We won’t have any funny stories to share if we stop making mistakes. SELF LOVE means forgiving yourself for making those mistakes and seeing them as learning.

SELF LOVE is SELFISH! Saying no is hard for some people because we are trained to put others first. It is a part of our DNA. As a kid, I was taught to be courteous and be respectful towards other people. I am absolutely not against that idea at all. But what I think was missing from that lesson, was to prioritize my own wellbeing first. I offer my best self to others because I invest in my own well-being. Don’t shy away from saying “NO” when you need to take time off to fill your own cup.

Listen to your body, It means slowing down, tuning out the nonsense, and asking questions. How am I feeling? How are my energy levels? Where is my head at? How am I feeling in my body? With all the non-stop activity going on around us (work life, family drama, friend time, gym classes, Twitter storms, political upheavals, TV binges, etc.), it’s so easy to ignore what’s going on inside us.

You are truly unique in the sense that there is no one else like you. While social media has created certain standards of beauty, please don't let them define who you are. When we talk about and to ourselves with compassion, we are showing ourselves, love.

While I might not have chosen the situation I find myself in right now, how I react to it is entirely my decision. The majority of the time, I choose faith over fear as an advocate of self-love. I, like everyone else, have my bad days where I question everything, criticize myself, and act like a victim, as I mentioned above. However, I have tools to help me come out of that mode. I plan to share more about that in my next post. Stay tuned!

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It is 100 % FREEEEEE!


4 simple self-care practices for busy Bees out there