4 simple self-care practices for busy Bees out there

Have you stood in front of a crystal blue sea and just stared out at the horizon?

Have you experienced a pure sense of being refreshed in moments when you remove yourself from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Have you reached a stage in your life where you realized that taking a "BREAK" is a necessity rather than a leisure activity?

After the Break, when you come back to your regular life, the stress starts to accumulate, and the mind frays. Does the never-ending cycle sound familiar?

Would you believe me if I said that slight changes in your daily habits could give you your daily dose of calm?

Try these simple tips and let me know if they helped?

1. When was the last time you made time to do "NOTHING"

I'm not kidding... when was the last time you did absolutely nothing?

Our lives are always packed with more than we can handle. We take pride in saying "jeez! I have no time to spare". We get rewarded for staying or at least acting busy. Our modern lives are busier than ever before. Our devices bombard our brains with so much information every day. There are more options now than ever before, which comes with pros and cons. As we become accustomed to this kind of routine, we lose sight of who we truly are and what truly makes us happy. Sooner or later, this results in disappointment.

Solution: Take 10 minutes to do nothing, no scrolling, no worrying, no thinking, no nothing. Try to clear your mind and relax.

Disclaimer: Of course, this might be uncomfortable. Of course, thoughts will pop up. Throughout our lives, we have conditioned ourselves to always be thinking about something. This also means that being STILL will take some serious practice. When a thought pops up, put it aside for 10 minutes and tell yourself, I'll return to this in a while.
Let yourself think about nothing for a while. It will take you one step closer to a simpler, calmer life.

Time duration recommended: 10 minutes only

2. Take a deep breath in. Now let it out.

Please take a breather if you are still reading this and if you have been holding your breath for a while. Yoga taught me this: the slower you breathe, the fewer thoughts enter your mind. By repeatedly stimulating the vagus nerve during those long exhalations, slow breathing may shift the nervous system towards a more restful state. This will also lower your heart rate and blood pressure.

OBSERVATION: Have you ever noticed how your breathing changes when you start getting nervous before a big presentation? The breath becomes quicker and shallower. Surely someone on your team would have noticed you getting sweaty and shaky and suggested you calm down by taking 3 deep breaths.

SOLUTION: Whenever you feel a rush of negative emotions, such as anger or anxiety, that is the perfect moment to slow down & focus on your breathing from your abdomen. You will soon feel relaxed and your mind will be refreshed.

Disclaimer: Don't force it. This can make you feel more stressed.

Time duration recommended: 10 minutes

3. We all have been through one of those days where the automatic response to any question is "I'm busy, I don't have time"

When we feel this way, our minds become even more chaotic. Here's the big question: Are we really busy or are we just rushing ourselves?

Have you ever froze up before a big presentation? Though you've prepared well for this moment, staying up all night practicing, you are unable to recall any punch lines at the last minute. As soon as you walk out of the room after feeling gutted, all the information comes flooding back to you. It's not rocket science that when our brain is relaxed, we are better able to remember things and make sound decisions. We often make mistakes in a rush.

Solution: Especially on those hectic days, try to wake you just 15 minutes earlier than usual. Lengthen your spine and take a couple of deep breaths. Once your breathing is in order, your mind will naturally settle down.

Disclaimer: if you are someone who loves their sleep with all of their heart and cannot bear to lose a single moment, that is fine too. I completely understand. Take a moment to have your tea or coffee in peace. Maybe look out the window. Try to listen to the sounds around you.

This magically creates space in your mind and liberates you from busyness. With this, the feeling of "hurrying to get started" is replaced with a feeling of "calmness". As a result, you will be able to give that important piece of work your full attention, thereby enhancing your productivity.

Time duration recommended: 15 minutes.

4. Do you like to scroll through before bed? Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Does worrying keep you awake at night?

Solution: Now is the perfect time to practice Zazen. Zazen is a form of sitting meditation. This practice originates from the teachings of Buddha. The practice of zazen releases the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain, which functions as a mood stabilizer. As the brain is relaxed, the blood vessels also relax, improving blood flow. As you warm up, you begin to feel sleepy.

Disclaimer: You might not instinctively do this, you might still check your email or scroll social media before bed, but that won't help you catch some Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Changing habits takes time, so be patient with yourself. There will be times when you return to the old way of doing things. Do not judge yourself when that happens. Stay consistent and you will get the results you want. Keep reminding yourself of your “WHY” for doing what you are doing.

As you go to bed, let go of whatever has happened since you woke up that day, and be thankful that you survived another day. It will give you a fresh start the next day.

Time duration recommended: 5 minutes

I hope this helps you handle your busy lifestyle in a healthy manner without compromising your physical or mental health. I would love to know which tip resonates with you the most. For more simple mindful practices, join the Solace Family by filling in your details below.

I wish you happiness, peace, love, and light all day every day.

Thank you for your time & I look forward to knowing more about you.


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